Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sunday mornings

Since the last posting my friends and I have spent more than an average amount of time in local hostelries indulging in alcohol intake. It even included karaoke singing and nightclub dancing last night before returning to my humble abode with half the club to consume another bottle of wine.

I don't know if anyone else watches soccer am but at the moment they have a spot where anyone can send in a video of themselves/friends doing body building poses to the theme of Jean Michelle Jarre's Equinox... well I've decided to send one in of the lodger doing such poses in his boxer shorts but to add a little extra it was decided on (n the midst of the drunken haze) that we should paint an eight pack on him. Most blokes who do this body building stuff get six packs but the lodgers belly is big enough for eight!

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