And this little fella is the reason why. My baby-man Daniel will be 2 at the end of October and he's my ray of sunshine. We're stomping through life together having as much fun as we can along the way. I was lucky enough to have 2 of my best friends also decide that they would bring little ones into the world at the same time so even though I'm a geriatric Mum (by the standards of the NHS) we have good company. The photo of us is at the seaside near Eastbourne in June of this year where he was introduced to his first caravan... not the last I can assure you. We played on the beach, went to the zoo, went to the Sealife centre, went swimming and generally messed around. Life is a good place to be with a little boy around that smiles all day long and makes it all seem a bit more worthwhile -x-x-x-
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