So what is it about sorting out your files, debugging, defraging and synchronising your laptop and pc that makes you feel safe and calm? Well if this isn't something that you can relate to then you obviously have someone else that must be resposible for the day to day security of the computers you use. For the likes of little me, if I don't do it, it don't get done. Saying that, once it has all been put in order I get this warm and happy feeling (a bit sad really). I think it comes from having my office stolen once a few years ago. Theives broke into my house and stole not only my pc but also my filofax, back up drive and all manner of other things that I used on a daily basis. I'd only gone up the road for an hour. It takes years to get all that information back and I'm not sure I ever got it all back really. Even now I go to look for someones details and I can't find them. Anyway I'm not sure what brough on that little rant.
What's going on out there in the real world? I got up this morning and there was what looked remarkably like frost on top of my car. Can it be that we're heading into Winterish already? You wouldn't think so now looking out of the window to blue skies and sunshine but I swear it was looking white. I think I must have blinked and missed Summer but there again to quote Helen from a past Big Brother "I love blinking I do"... still don't quite understand what made her say that.
I'm going on a bit today for no reason. I'm off to see The Police tonight at the NIA in Birmingham and I guess I'm a bit excited about that. They were teenage heros as Sting is to this day. I'm hoping they're as good as they were back then... I'll let you know!

Well said.
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