What a wonderful week in Val D'Isere. The sunwas out, the sky was blue, there was still plenty of snow and we were all on top form! This is the sort of holiday that we dream about (well we do if we like to ski at any rate). It was a week of late long lunches and dancing in ski boots. The parapents were out in force as the warm breezes seemed to be able to keep them in the air for hours.

This is me and the Curlybob sitting outside after lunch one afternoon before we embarked on 2 hours of dancing in the sunshine... it's a great way to start someone's 50th Birthday celebrations... only 4 days to go now baldy!!!
Lyndyloo - am having unhealthy thoughts about Photo CIMG70666
And there's pink wine too :o)
Ooh you managed a sneaky peek before I removed the link and edited the photo's. That's Richy and our staple afternoon diet for the last week!
...now we all have to see a pic of Richy...oh, I think we do!
Curly Bob looks like loads of fun! Do you have a photo of Straight Bob? Or isn't there one? Straight Bob I mean...
It all looks absolutely beeeeyootiful there...and damn right...it's always the middle aged who can out party the um...what on earth is the word for er...not middle aged people? We just don't let them know that for most of the rest of the year, we have to sleep and take medication!
...by the way, the boy has already informed me that he has removed the key from the inside of the door...
Looks like you had loads of fun! You look like a little snow bunny!
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