Unfortunately the fizzy stuff did it's normal triick of making the rest of the wine seem quite calm in comparison and we were soon all quite squiffy. I didn't get many photos but the couple that are here are of me (pre-do) and Nico with Keri (teeny totty) and Sandra at our table.
We all had a lovely time and the band were fab (though I can't remember what they were called). I managed not to bid for anything in the auction... which is good for me as I've been known to part with some silly money for stuff at these things in the past. I think our table did have to pay some huge amount for a magnum of Champagne that we are now saving for when we get our planning permission agreed for Long Island.
For some reason I woke this morning to find that my purse was empty and there was a small man with a large hammer inside my head. It's now nearly 4pm and I'm still feeling very fragile.
I may blog again later but for now I must rest....zzzzzzzzzz
It seems as though you had masses of fun! What is it you are raising money for again please? What are you building on Long Island? Do you need an impartial observer to oversee the work in the Bahamas?
Have you had a nice sleep?
...and you look remarkably like my friend Viv in your pre-do pic!
Hey Lyndyloo - hope you're feeling better. Sounds like you may be in the twilight zone - know that feeling so well. Still, tomorrow is another day.
Take care.
At least you didn't wake with a large man and a small hammer in the room!!!
Looks like you had a fab night! I'm guessing you didn't find the energy to blog later!
Love your comments on CLP!!
Huggles, Susan <><
PS Email is romans1v16@talk21.com
Thanks for the concern, I was a real mess on Friday but have fully recovered now and am feeling loads better :)
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