Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Today I find myself trying to work out what clutter I can clear out of my home, office and life so as to make space for man of my dreams.... I know, it's a bit weird but someone pointed out to me that even if the knight in shining armour came riding through town ready to swoop me up in his arms I wouldn't have the space to allow him into my life as it's already so full. Hence, I'm making space. Starting with clothes, I threw out 4 bin bags to the charity collectors last week. Toiletries I don't use, you know the sort of thing people buy you for Christmas to be sweet, not realising that there are some products that make my skin erupt like a teenager on a diet of coke and burgers. Well they went as well and I now have a cupboard and a draw in the bathroom that are empty in readiness for whatever stuff the hero needs to keep himself irresistible (to be honest I'd like it if he didn't wear aftershave, I love the smell of a clean man). So now it's time for other "stuff" so it could feel like there's something missing. I have contemplated clearing out the garage, is that sexist? I know most men love to have some garage space (obviously not for keeping a car in).

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